Monday, August 16, 2010

My Letter to the Ambassador of Iraq to Azerbaijan

Dear Readers,
I sent the attached e-mail to the Ambassador of Iraq to Azerbaijan (on the Iraqi Embassy's e-mail) concerning a statement the Ambassador reportedly made to the Defense Minister of Azerbaijan.

To The Ambassador Of Iraq To Azerbaijan
Mr. Hayder Shiya Ghubeshi Albarrak

Dear Sir,
I read with regret your statement to the Defense Minister of Azerbaijan published in the Azeri Media in the following link:
I suppose your statement is true and the Azeri Media did not forge it (otherwise the Armenian people need a clarification from your Excellency). I would like to mention that it is Azerbaijan that launched the war against Artsakh-Nagorno Karabakh Republic to continue the genocidal policy it had followed toward theArmenians of the region especially since 1988. Armenians of Artsakh declared their independence according to the constitution of the former Soviet Union in 1991 and defended their land against the Azerbaijan 's aggression. Historically, Artsakh was an inseparable part of Armenia , and the current Azerbaijan Republic declares it continues the first Republic in 1918 which did not include Artsakh. Artsakh was illegally given to Azerbaijan in 1923. It is Azerbaijan that occupies lands from Artsakh- Nagorno Karabakh Republic in Martakert and Shahumian regions, beside the Nakhichevan Armenian region, which was also given to Azerbaijan by the Soviet regime to satisfy Turkey .
The people of Artsakh-Nagorno Karabakh Republic practiced their legal right of self-determination. International Court of Justice's ruling on Kosovo's independence is a guide as it ruled the declaration of independence does not violate any UN resolution or international law.

Ara S. Ashjian
An Iraqi Citizen
Yerevan, Armenia


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